
Consider having Neosoft Technologies as a technical partner in your projects!

Successfully completing a project is typically hard. You need to manage uncertainties and risks throughout the project

Your timeframe is short?

Do you need a multi-skilled partner in your project?

Do you miss a particular expertise in your team?

Do you have the right technologies to achieve your ambitions?

Neosoft’s team is composed of experts in system integration that will work to reduce your project’s risk and provide solutions to have a successful project. We have great expertise in the software development, electronic and mechanical design that can help your more complex projects.

Software Consulting

Custom software development to your exact needs.

Technical Assistance

Complete assistance in your instrumentation and control projects.

Hardware Consulting

Expert in designing custom electronics systems to meet your needs.

Mechanical Design

Mechanical design and integration of your solution for a custom fit to meet your needs.

System Integration

Design, development and delivery of custom system solution to meet your needs.

Expert on-site

Software or Electronic expert at your site to help accelerate your project.