Data acquisition

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Throughout the years, we have delivered several custom data acquisitions systems. Our solutions have a proven and flexible architecture that is able to scale to meet future needs.

Below is a shortlist of sensors that we have worked with:

  • Thermocouple, RTD, Thermistor
  • Voltage based or current based sensor
  • Strain gage
  • Accelerometer/Midrophone/Hydrophone/Piezoelectric
  • Pressure Transducer
  • Potentiometer
  • Displacement (LVDT, RVDT, Synchro/Resolver, Encoder, proximity probe)
  • Oxygen and pH sensors
  • Slow or high-speed digital signal
  • and much more

Tight synchronization between sensors and systems can be achieved as well as signal processing can be added. Signal processing can be as simple as an average measurement, a digital filter or more complex like FFTs, order analysis, power factor, etc

Cases Studies

Datalogger and analysis system for a wafer fabrication process

Le but de ce projet est de réaliser un système de détection de dépassement de seuil en temps réel permettant de calculer la durée de chaque..

Automated Fine Guidance Sensor alignment system

The goal was to automate the alignment of the Fine Guidance Sensor of a telescope. The final system aligned several telescopes mounted in an aluminum structure..