Build vs Buy

April 18th 2017

For a majority of our projects, our customer and us are constantly face the dilemma of Build vs Buy. This is typically not a straightforward answer to a problem. In these cases, we’ll narrow down a couple of options and then do a quick financial model to determine, to the best of our knowledge, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of each option.

National Instruments as a written document to help you make sure that you don’t forget the main cost center for any given solution when building an automated test system. You may view the document, Modeling the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of an Automated Test System, at the following web page:

There is another calculator for embedded centric solution where the main costs are different. National Instruments as release this calculator to simply the Return On Investment (ROI) that is available at:

WE have helped several companies in this analysis. We can assist you.

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Vincent Carpentier

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